
Refilling with a new coffee cup

Some of you may have followed a previous blog I had going with a very similar name. I have decided to start over...refill...with a brand new coffee cup. I am a completely different person now than when I wrote my previous blog. I still drink coffee, I still consider myself an addict, and I still write all my posts over a cup o' joe. The difference is, I am writing over a cup of DECAFF joe, with a new perspective, or in keeping with the theme, a new cup...

I am a 30 year old female, in love with my Jesus. I am married to a youth pastor with gifts from God that are unexplainable at times. I gaze at him in awe as he executes his "relational" ministry calling through the gifts, passions, and longings God has given him. I only wish I could say that we do a team youth ministry. No, my friend, I am afraid I am just along for the beautiful ride. I am a mom. What a gift to be able to write that sentence. I am a mom...not once, but twice. My husband and I adopted a little boy from Taiwan in 2005 and a little girl in 2008. What an amazing experience God has given us through multiple adoptions, and this plan...God's plan...is by far BETTER than anything we could have ever come up with.

Today I start anew...a fresh perspective, a new aroma on life. Thank you for stopping by. I pray that the whiff you gain while spending time here will draw you closer to Jesus, and the brew he has for your life. Your aroma will be different from mine, but isn't it great that we all can start from the same pot...

What flavor are you brewing today???

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Mandi. I will have to bookmark your blog. I have a blog on my Lizard Lake website. It's simply entitled "Dean's Lake Blog". I usually update it every time I go to the lake. Here's a link to the Lizard Lake site:
    There's also a picture of you and Aden on the photos and video page. Eric is also in one of the youtube videos I made about the lake. Check it out.
